Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Let Summer Begin.....

WOW, what an incredible year for Pack 461.  The social hall was filled with the enthusiasm of 41 incredible Cub Scouts, leaders and families.  We enjoyed pack meetings together, awards ceremonies and fun activities for all of the boys.  None of these things would have been possible without the hard work of our leaders who gave freely of their time to ensure we all had a successful year.

As you prepare for summer vacations remember the rocket launch, rain gutter regatta and scout camp.  The dates and times are posted on this blog.

We will not be meeting weekly over the summer but will resume the fun in September when school starts again. Watch for an email in late August with the details.  We hope everyone will return in the Fall ready to earn their next Cub Scout rank.

Have a wonderful summer and God Bless,

Ann Wakefield