Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Popcorn Fundraiser

Our annual popcorn sale is under way.  Did you know that 70% of your purchase will be returned to Pack 461 and our district to help fund camp and other fun activities?  You can also support Pack 461 and our military troops by making a military product donation of $35 or $55.

Here are a few tips.

  • ALWAYS wear your uniform
  • ALWAYS smile and introduce yourself
  • ALWAYS tell your customers why you are selling popcorn
  • KNOW the different kinds of popcorn you are selling
  • ALWAYS say "Thank You"
  • ALWAYS make a copy of your order form
  • ALWAYS have a clean order form with a pen
  • BE SURE to get customer email addresses to send them a "Thank You" email after the sale, reminding them they can re-order online.
  • NEVER enter anyone's home
  • NEVER sell after dark unless you are with an adult
  • DON'T carry large amounts of cash with you
  • ALWAYS walk on the sidewalk and driveway
  • ALWAYS sell with another scout or with an adult
All orders and payment are due to Bridget Ortiz by October 19th.  The pack has the following available for show and sell - Chocolatey Triple Delight, White Chocolate pretzels, caramel corn with nuts and butter, 18 pack of unbelievable butter and caremel corn.

With only one sale, your scout will earn the popcorn badge while helping out the pack.  If you have any questions, contact Bridget.  Thank you for your support.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

September Pack Meeting

Our first pack meeting will be Wednesday, September 28th.  Bring your entire family for an hour of fun, cheering and excitement.  Please plan on arriving around 6:15 pm for your uniform inspection. If you are in uniform, you will receive a ticket for our pack meeting drawing. The meeting will begin at 6:30 pm.  Here are a few things to remember.
  • If you need to sign off on your Bobcat Trail (new scouts) please meet with your den leader prior to the meeting.
  • Don't forget we are still collecting canned food for St. Anne's Shelter.
  • Don't forget your smile, positive attitude and enthusiasm.
Hope to see you there!

Our Cub Master

Friday, September 9, 2011


Welcome to all of our new Cub Scouts.  We have 12 new scouts to add to our pack and are so excited to have them.  You are going to LOVE scouting!

We still need a den leader for our Wolf Den.   If you re interested in being a leader we could really use your help so we do not have any disappointed Cub Scouts.  Please consider this wonderful opportunity to be involved with your son while teaching new skills to young boys.

Our first den meeting is Wednesday, September 14th from 6:30 - 7:30 pm.  If you missed the round up it is still not too late.  See you there!